What does real patriotism look like?
It's a question we all need to ask ourselves, especially in a time when those who wrap themselves in the flag are the very ones undermining the core values it represents. For far too long, politicians in Washington have sold the idea that patriotism means less taxes, less government, and more freedom. But let’s get real — that’s never been true. And in today’s age of extremism, it’s even further from reality.
The multi-generational lie that less government automatically means more freedom is a smokescreen that politicians like our current representative hide behind. They plaster "patriotism" as their campaign slogans, but when you reel it back, it’s all a distraction. What’s really happening is the erosion of freedoms and the gutting of opportunities for working people.
Take a hard look at what my opponent stands for. He has supported legislation that dictates which books schools can offer, how people live their lives, and medical decisions that should be private. Voting to decertify a free and fair election? That’s not just a bad decision — it’s a betrayal of democracy itself. The tentpole of our country, the right to free and fair elections, is something that millions of Americans have sacrificed their lives for. So don’t insult us by pretending you're the patriot when you're the one working to undermine the very freedoms this country was built on.