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San Bernardino County reports first local Dengue case

Health officials confirm mosquito-borne illness contracted within San Bernardino city limits, urge residents to take precautions against bites

San Bernardino County reports first local Dengue case
Aedes mosquito (Photo credit: iStock Noppharat05081977)

SAN BERNARDINO, County – San Bernardino County health officials have confirmed the first locally acquired human case of dengue in the city of San Bernardino. This is notable because most dengue cases in the county are usually linked to travel to areas where the virus is more common.

Dengue spreads mainly through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. When a mosquito bites someone with dengue in their blood, it becomes infected and can pass the virus to healthy people through future bites.

Many people might not show symptoms, but those bitten by an infected mosquito could develop dengue fever. Symptoms include aches and pains, especially behind the eyes, in muscles, joints, or bones. Nausea, vomiting, and a rash are also possible.

"Dengue can cause serious illness in humans. I urge residents to take steps to protect themselves from mosquito bites," San Bernardino County Health Officer Michael A. Sequeira, M.D., warned in a statement on Nov. 7.

Most symptoms typically last about a week, with full recovery usually happening within two weeks. If you experience these symptoms after a mosquito bite, it's best to contact your doctor.

Even though it's fall, mosquitoes are still active in the area. To protect against dengue and other mosquito-borne illnesses, residents should:

  • Get rid of standing water around homes, including in plant saucers, unused dishwashers, lawn drains, and pet water dishes.
  • Wear proper clothing outdoors: socks, shoes, long pants, and loose-fitting, light-colored long-sleeved shirts.
  • Use insect repellent with DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • Make sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens to keep mosquitoes out.

For more information on dengue, visit bit.ly/CDPHdengue. If you need details on mosquito prevention, contact the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Environmental Health Services at 1-800-442-2283 or check out ehs.sbcounty.gov.

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