DUI Checkpoint planned on Feb. 7: Redlands PD

Location determined by data on impaired driving-related crashes.

DUI Checkpoint planned on Feb. 7: Redlands PD

REDLANDS, Calif. — The Redlands Police Department will conduct a DUI checkpoint on Friday, Feb. 7, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday at an undisclosed location, officials announced.

Checkpoint locations are determined based on data identifying areas with a high number of impaired driving-related crashes, police said. The primary goal is to enhance public safety by removing suspected impaired drivers from the road.

“Impaired drivers put others on the road at significant risk,” said Cpl. Martin Gonzalez in a press release Tuesday. “Any prevention measures that reduce the number of impaired drivers on our roads significantly improve traffic safety.”

Authorities remind the public that impairment is not limited to alcohol. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications may affect a person’s ability to drive, and while marijuana is legal for medicinal and recreational use, driving under its influence remains illegal.

A first-time DUI offense can result in an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, along with a suspended driver’s license, police said.

Funding for the checkpoint is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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