Bug-inspired fun returns to Redlands with Arthropolooza: The Ultimate Bugfest
March 29 and 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Jesus Cisneros is running for Redlands City Council District 4.
He advocates strongly for restoring "traditional" Christian values and maintaining "small-town systems" in Redlands. He is supported by far-right conservative political groups, including Lexit and Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA). He did not disclose his occupation on the ballot and has not responded to CFR requests for a title.
Cisneros is running against incumbent councilmember Jenna Guzman-Lowery and candidate Marc Shaw.
Click on the map below to find out if you live in District 4.
Cisneros' campaign for City Council has raised $11,330 from five individual donors.
Awaken Redlands, a nonprofit 501(c)4, donated $4,441.86 in nonmonetary contributions including:
For this section, Community Forward Redlands asked each candidate the same five questions. These are their responses. Responses were edited only for grammar or spelling errors. We also made candidates aware that we will make note of any statement that includes factual inaccuracies or conjecture.
The only way our community can move forward is by preserving and protecting what made Redlands the jewel of the Inland Empire, the traditional Christian foundation and small-town system that has always worked.
The small-town feel with a Christian foundation that has made the perfect place to raise a family.
The role of a council member is to always make and vote for policy that best serves the city and the people, not special interests or corporations. Council members can easily ruin a city by their policies. Just look at cities like San Bernardino, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles. Once thriving cities, perfect for raising families. Now, ruined by the same policies and the same political ideology.
Editor's note: Candidate Cisneros did not specify what policies he was referring to.
My top three priorities would be to reduce crime, stop the mismanagement and overspending of funds that forces people to pay for their mistakes with their hard-earned money by way of higher taxes and city fees, and to protect the traditional small-town feel and Christian foundation of our city.
Editor's note: Candidate Cisneros did not specify what his allegations were referring to in regard to mismanagement and overspending of city funds.
Serving the public for over 20 years in a diverse metropolis with millions of people in an intense problematic environment has given me the skills and mindset to be able to lead, problem-solve and work well under pressure.
The only way our community can move forward is by preserving and protecting what made Redlands the jewel of the Inland Empire, the traditional Christian foundation and small-town system that has always worked. I will lead our city to progress but with tradition.
Website: Cisneros 4 Redlands
Social media: Instagram | Facebook
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