Redlands News: March 7, 2025
Redlands Bicycle Classic Greenlit for 40th Year, RUSD Celebrates Black History Month, City Council Upholds Emotional Support Chicken, and Big Bear’s Eagle Family Grows Amid Snowstorm
Meet the three candidates running for school board in South Redlands
Editor’s Note: We understand this race has brought up a range of topics that are not covered by the responses provided in these profiles. We encourage voters to visit all candidates' social media and campaign pages for a more complete picture.
REDLANDS, CA - There are three candidates running in the Redlands Unified School District (RUSD) Area 1 race. To provide a look at the candidates side-by-side, Community Forward Redlands asked all candidates the same 4 questions:
We have received responses from all three candidates. We are sharing their responses just as the candidates provided them. It is important to us to present each candidate in a similar manner and in their own words. We hope the profiles provide a chance for residents to learn more about the candidates’ priorities and goals if they were to be elected to the RUSD Board of Education.
In addition, we encourage voters to review the candidates’ campaign pages and social media links listed below for more information.
For the first time in 2018, RUSD School Board elections were held by newly drawn area lines. Before that time, candidates were “at-large” and voted for by the entire community.
The RUSD area map below shows Area 1 in yellow.
What I love most about Redlands is the community of people and the willingness of the community to get involved and give back to the City of Redlands and all the nonprofits and organizations in the City. As a board member of the Redlands Bowl for the last 10 years, and having served as President of the bowl, the fact that we can provide entertainment at no cost to people is amazing.
In 16 years of service as a Redlands Unified School District board member, I have gained experience in governance and leadership. In my first year, I remember observing school board members, getting to know the schools, and learning how things work. The public school system is a lot different than the private sector. For example, we were mandated by the State of California when it came to masks. It wasn’t a local decision. Over the years of service on the School Board and leadership in other organizations, I’ve developed the skills of listening to people, individually and in groups, and making conscious decisions. This position is like another full-time job and I am fortunate that I have a flexible job that accommodates the demands of serving on the School Board.
Number one is and always will be safety. Safety in our schools, safety with our students and our teachers. I want to make sure when our parents drop off kids at school it is our responsibility to keep them safe. Second is academics and excellence. Maintaining the academic standards and ensuring our students excel at Redlands Unified. Since the pandemic everyone nationally has dropped in academics so we are trying to get back on track. To address learning loss, we’ve implemented ELOP (Extended Learning Opportunity Program) at 5 of our schools to provide students with after-school learning support from 2-5 pm every day. We’re able to assist those who need assistance, which I think is awesome. My third priority is to continue to advocate for the parents, students, and teachers - I want to make sure that if a parent, student, or teacher has an issue they can come to me and I can advocate for them so they know they’re not alone and we’re working as a team.
If elected, I would move the community forward by continuing to listen, learn and build partnerships. I value teamwork and will continue our partnerships with the City of Redlands Police and Fire Departments and the City Council. I also want to move forward with the partnerships I have established in the community with local nonprofits and local leaders. I'll continue to work hard and advocate for students, parents, teachers, and staff. I want to thank the RUSD community for your support over the past 16 years and I humbly ask for your continued support in November.
Ted Alejandre, San Bernardino County School Superintendent
Superintendent Mauricio Arellano, RUSD
Robert Hodges - Former RUSD Superintendent
Lori Rhodes - Former RUSD Superintendent
Pat Kohlmeier - Former RUSD board members
Neal Waner - Former RUSD board members
Dona West - Former RUSD board members
Redlands Teachers Association
Redlands Education Support Professionals Associate (RESPA)
Redlands Professional Firefighters Association
Paul Barich - City of Redlands Mayor
Redlands Community News
For more information about Patty Holohan’s campaign for RUSD School Board Area 1 visit:
Having lived in Loma Linda for 30+ years with my family, I have appreciated the diversity in Area 1. I admire Redlands for its Downtown beauty; I particularly love the Thursday Market Nights. The green scenic views and the people are truly kind. There’s just about everything I need for my family in Redlands, the parks, the dining, and the museum.
I am a Retired Nursing Administrator from Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, Colton (ARMC) with 46 years of experience in the field of Nursing, Management, and Administration. My goal is to address the student’s mental wellness, school safety for students and teachers; and academic achievements for ALL students. In addition, I plan to collaborate closely with the parents and listen to what they have to say. As a nurse, I have a special passion for special education students and plan to ensure they have all the resources needed to fulfill their potential. Teachers are important to me as well. They must be well paid as they play an important part in shaping the future of our kids. Also, their job is becoming riskier, and teachers need to be protected and well compensated. Finally, Inclusion and Equity make us appreciate the uniqueness of every individual. As a minority myself, I can identify with why I must be at the table on the school board and have a voice.
For more information about Victoria Ogunrinu’s campaign for RUSD School Board Area 1 visit:
What I love most about Redlands is the sense of community. This is a city where you know your neighbors, and Redlands still offers that small-town feel and all the wonderful things that come along with that.
I have the critical thinking skills to learn quickly and discern information, and I am not afraid to make hard decisions. I believe that education creates opportunity- giving students a path to become strong citizens and taxpayers. My private business experience will be advantageous and add diversity in thought at the board table.
If I win I will work to restore RUSD back to being the strongest academic district in the Inland Empire.
San Bernardino County GOP
For more information about Erin Stepien’s campaign for RUSD School Board Area 1 visit:
@erinstepien_rusd on Instagram
Meet the candidates running for Redlands City Council.
An overview of two local ballot measures. We’ll break down what will and will not get built if Measure F passes.
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