REDLANDS, Calif. — The Redlands City Council is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, Feb. 4, with a closed session starting at 5 p.m. and a public meeting at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Attendees can join in person at the Civic Center, located at 35 Cajon Street, Redlands, or via the Zoom link provided at the top of the meeting agenda.
Below is a brief overview of key agenda items to be discussed.
The City Council will consider approving a sole source agreement with Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA) for on-call affordable housing consulting services, with a total contract not to exceed $35,000. (Consent Calendar) KMA will provide technical assistance to implement the City’s Inclusionary Housing Program, which requires residential developments of 10 or more units to offer affordable housing or pay in-lieu fees. The firm will help with program implementation, developer agreements, income qualification tables and in-lieu fee calculations. Read more here.
Presentation by Southern California Edison's Government Relations Manager, Mark Cloud, regarding wildfire mitigation efforts. (Communications). Read more here.
Council will review a summary of the joint training session held on Oct. 8, 2024, for the City Council and Planning Commission on their roles and responsibilities in land use decision-making.(Communications) The session first described the council and comission’s respective responsibilities and also covered key topics such as legislative and quasi-adjudicatory decision-making, due process requirements, avoiding bias and the impact of ex parte communications. It also addressed best practices for ensuring fair hearings and discussed the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process for evaluating environmental impacts. This summary was requested by Council Member Tejeda to provide clarity and transparency to the community. Read more about the summary here.
City Council will consider approving a Non-Professional Services Agreement with EverFence Corporation for up to $2,239,918.85 for the Water Facilities Security Fencing Installation Project.(New Business) The project, recommended by a recent Risk and Resilience Assessment, will enhance the security of key water infrastructure in Redlands. Read more here.