City Council approves $12M water pipeline replacement project

Aging infrastructure to be upgraded, improving water distribution across Redlands.

City Council approves $12M water pipeline replacement project
(Photo: turk_stock_photographer from Getty Images Pro)

REDLANDS, Calif. — Redlands City Council has approved a $12,058,362.99 construction contract with MCC Pipeline, Inc. for the 2023 CIP Water Pipeline and Highline Replacement Project. 

Why it matters: The project aims to replace approximately seven miles of aging and deteriorated water pipelines throughout the city. 

Details: Council members also approved an additional appropriation of $3,058,262 from the city’s Water Fund to fully finance the project, which exceeds the originally budgeted amount of $9 million for the fiscal year 2024-2025. 

Funding for the project comes from water utility rates, with a portion of revenues generated each year dedicated to replacing old water pipelines throughout Redlands. Pipelines to be replaced are selected based on maintenance history, inspection records and coordination with future paving improvements. 

The project also includes replacing about two miles of a large diameter water transmission line known as the “Highline,” which distributes water from the Henry Tate water treatment plant to the Fifth Avenue and Country Club water reservoirs. 

The Highline was constructed in the 1950’s using unlined steel pipe with an anticipated service life of about fifty years. The city has already replaced approximately five miles of the Highline in previous projects. This latest phase will focus on the section from Fifth Avenue and Crafton Avenue to Reservoir Road and I-10. 

Eight bids were received for the project, with MCC Pipeline, Inc. of Yucaipa, California, submitting the lowest responsive bid. 

What they’re saying: “I want to congratulate you and your staff for finally completing this major project,” said Mayor Mario Saucedo. “It’s of great importance and security for our water security for our residents in the south end of our city.”

Moving forward: The project is expected to be completed within 180 working days after the Notice to Proceed is issued to the contractor. 

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