Chronic absenteeism surges in RUSD, exceeding pre-pandemic rates

Across the district, about 20% of K-8 students are chronically absent, with some schools hitting nearly 40%.

Chronic absenteeism surges in RUSD, exceeding pre-pandemic rates
Chronic absenteeism has reached 40% in some Redlands schools (Photo: Valerii Apetroaiei edited by CFR)

REDLANDS, Calif. — Chronic absenteeism in Redlands Unified School District has reached alarming levels, with 20.1% of K-8 students missing 10% or more of instructional days in the 2023-24 school year.

Why it matters: The district has seen its chronic absenteeism rate more than double since the pre-pandemic era. In the 2018-19 school year, only 11.4% of students were chronically absent. Now, that figure stands at 20.1%, affecting one in five K-8 students.

Details: While the district as a whole reduced chronic absenteeism from the previous year, with a 4% decrease, most schools maintain troubling rates. 

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